For a long time, the retired employees of our bank were totally an unorganized lot. Nevertheless, the need for uniting them was felt for quite some time. The birth of Syndicate Bank Retirees’ Association was the outcome of the initiative taken by many seniors like Sri. K. Vishwanatha Shetty (who retired as a Senior Manager) and others. However, to begin with, this was restricted to only retiree  officers and it was registered under the Societies Registration Act as on 7.12.1995.

Sri. B.M Joshi, Sri. H.R Adiga & Sri. M Sridhar Bhat were instrumental in drafting the constitution. For more than 10 years, the growth in membership was quite sluggish. At this juncture, it was rightly felt that the workmen retirees should also be brought within the fold of this Association, for the simple reason that there are no different service conditions as applicable to officer-retirees vis-a-vis workmen retirees. The urge for having a common platform for all sections of retired bank employees got a fillip in the hands of Sri. Abdul Jaleel, Sri. M.S Bhat and others. The 12th General Body held on 20/9/2007 marked the beginning of an era of a more inclusive organization, under one umbrella.
It was in Oct. 2013 that we sought affiliation to All India Bank Retirees’ Federation, (AIBRF), the largest apex-level organisation of bank retirees in the country.
In 2015, the name of the organisation was changed from All India Syndicate Bank Retiree’s Association (AISBRA) to All India Syndicate Bank retirees’ Federation. (AISBRF).

As on date, we have 2 affiliates, viz.

1. Syndicate Bank Retirees’ Association, Pune,
2. Syndicate Bank Ex-staff Welfare Association, Kolkota.

There are 10 State Committees in all, operating in the states of

1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Delhi
3. Goa
4. Karnataka
5. Kerala
6. Maharashtra
7. Tamil Nadu,
8. Telangana
9. Uttar Pradesh
10. west Bengal

We have also formed a Women’s Wing In 2019, our organisation has completed 24 years of its existence and stepped into its SILVER JUBILEE YEAR. Our 20th General Body Meeting held at Vijayawada, on 18/12/2019, coincided with the Silver Jubilee Year and this memorable event was celebrated in a very fitting manner.
21st General body meeting was held at Chennai  on 5th July 2023.

The following benefits are being extended to the retirees due to the efforts of the Federation.
  1. Annual Medical aid.
  2. Holiday Home facility
  • At industry level the following have been achieved.
  • Pension to resignees.
  • Increase in family pension from 15% to 30 %.
  • Health Insurance Scheme to the retirees.
  • Pension to CRS employees.
  • Setting right of DA anomaly in respect of 7th B P i.e 1616-1684.
  • 100% DA neutralization to pre 2002 retirees.
  • Fitment in respect of specialist officers.
  • Payment of Ex-Gratia from Nov. 2022.
  • Pending Issues :
  • The matter of updation of pension in respect of all retirees is under negotiation at apex level.